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Lesson Management System (LMS)

LMS Features

Codecraft Works’ Learning Management System (LMS) provides access to a variety of computer science courses, which are made up of written lesson material, project prompts, and finished project examples.

A list of offered courses can be found at

Course Organization

Courses are collections of technical, themed curriculum lessons, which are made up of related topics. A program, refers the unique collection participants and material and typically includes how (in-person, online, or hybrid), when (dates, and time if live online), and what (one or more courses).

When students are added to programs, they are granted access to any included courses 24/7, for the duration of the program.

Progress Tracking

When a student starts a course, a progress bar will display how much course material the student has completed.

A heading for the 'Intro to HTML and CSS' course, with a description beneath it. To the right of the page is a progress bar showing how many steps in the course have been completed. It reads '2 out of 38 steps completed - 5 percent'.

Progress bars will also display for each lesson in the course.

A heading for the 'Introduction to HTML' lesson of the Intro to HTML and CSS course. To the right of the page is a progress bar showing how many topics in the lesson have been completed. It reads, '2 of 13 topics completed - 15 percent'.

These progress bars update when students click the “Mark Complete” button at the end of a topic. This allows students to keep track of which topics they have already read and which topics they have yet to read. This also gives students a more visual depiction of their progress through a course.

When a topic is marked complete, it will be denoted with a green check mark on the lesson overview page.

List of a lesson's topics. The first two topics have green checkmarks to the right of their titles. Two topics beneath them do not have green checkmarks.



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